
Simple Tofu and meat with spicy sauce ! 

soul food
この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

Tofu and meat with spicy sauce   MAPO TOFU

Cooking time Approximately 50minutes LEVEL☆☆☆★★


2 pieces of tofu(1 Hard tofu,1Fine-grained Tofu)

A whole garlic

8 dried red pepper

1/2 piece of ginger

300g minced pork

1 large spoon of dry chicken soup stock

1 large spoon of brown sugar

3 large spoon of Tenmenshou(Sweet paste)

3 tea spoon of Soybean candy bar shou (Hot paste)

1 large spoon of salt

1 large spoon of pepper

About 2 shakes of AJI-NO-MOTO flavoring material

1 large spoon of sesame oil

Mix 2 large spoon of starch with 50cc water

How to make

①Cut the tofu into about  3cm wide and put it into boiling water for a short while.

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②Cut the ginger into about 5㎜ and stir-fry it with 8 dried red pepper, sesame oil, pepper until the ginger turns soft. Get rid of the edges of the garlic and cut it into about 3㎜ and stir fry together with the ginger.

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③Add 3 tea spoon of Soybean candy bar shou (Hot paste) and the minced pork and stir fry it together.

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④Add 3 large spoon of Tenmenshou(Sweet paste), 1 large spoon of brown sugar500ccof water added with 1large spoon of dry chicken soup stock into the pan.

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⑤Keep on boiling and add the starch to make the sauce thick and put in the boiled tofu.

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⑥Take out the dark colored dried red pepper, and adjust the taste with seasonings.

Point in check

Make sure to stir-fry the ginger until it becomes soft, before you put in the garlic. Garlic gets cooked instantly. If you want to make it hot, torn the peppers into small pieces and heat them for a long time. It is not necessary to use both hard and fine-grained tofu. The ratio of hot paste and sweet paste is 1:3, check the taste of the source frequently, and adjust the taste with salt, pepper, AJI-NO-MOTO and brown sugar. Finally put the tofu into the sauce to blend. The taste mixing hot paste and sweet paste does not always match the flavor inside the pan. To adjust the taste frequently, is a must to do.

Personal Comments

Make sure to make the sauce hot first and later sweet. The orders to stir-fry should be ginger, garlic and minced pork. To tune the taste of the sauce, add hot paste and sweet paste. Adjusting the taste is a must do. When the taste is making a harmony by adding brown sugar and chicken soup stock, finally put in the tofu. A little adjustment to the sauce changes the taste instantly.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

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