
Mushroom fry:Simple and easy cooking !!

soulfood kita
この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。
mushroom fry

Mushroom fry   Cooking time Approximately 40minutes    LEVEL☆☆★★★


Shimeji mushroom   1pack

Maitake mushroom   1pack

2 pieces of Eringi Mushroom

8 pieces of Shitqake Mushroom

A whole garlic

One large spoonfull of chopped dried hot chilli pepper

Butter 20g

Lemon juice 2large spoonfull

Salt asnd pepper  Just a little

Sesame oil 1large spoonfull

How to make

① Get rid of the edges of each mushroom and cut everything into one bite size piece. Cutting into 8 pieces each is an option too.

② Get rid of the edge of the parlic pieces,after taking off the skin surface.

③ Heat the pan and add 2 spoonfull of sesame oil to stir fry the chopped dried hot chilli pepper until it raises a pleasant smell.

④ Put in the garlic and keep on stir frying until the color turns darker.Add 2 spoonfull of lemon juice to make the taste stronger.

⑤ Add all the mushrooms and keep on stiring.Also add 20grams of butter.

⑥ Make sure the whole mixture is smooth, and check the taste to make sure it is ready to be served.

Point in check

Basicaly this dish is created by the flavor of lemon chilli pepper and butter. If you prefer a less spicy dish, take out the chilli peppers before putting in the mushrooms.

Also adding more butter for a stronger taste is another option. Make sure to put in the butter when the mushrooms are ready and maintain the right firmeness. By taking out a piece of mushroom and checking it, make sure that the texture and the taste is right. Adding a little more butter is another way to adjust the taste.

Personal Comments

By simply adding garlic lemon and peppers with butter, it creates an un expected synergetic affect with each of the flavor. It is possible to choose other types of mushrooms too.To make sure it will not be overheated,you may take out the chilli peppers when the garlic is about the right firmness. If the texture and the taste is good , it is the right time to take it out.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

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