
Vegetable Soup: A hint from the restaurant!

soul food
この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

Vegetable Soup           Cooking time Approximately 60minutes LEVEL☆☆☆★★


1 One ordinary size Lettuce

1 a stick of celery without the leaves

2 bags of mini tomato

1 bag of dry shrimps (18grams)

2to3 large spoon of dry chicken soup stock

Frozen shrimps 250grams

1scallop can (55grams)

2 large spoon of sesame oil

Cooking sake 50cc

Salt and pepper

How to make

  •  Stir fry the dry shrimps with 2 large spoonful of sesame oil until it creates a nice
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 aroma. Add the frozen shrimps and cooking sake and keep stir frying.

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  •  Turn off the pan and cut the celery without the leaves into 5㎜ squares.
画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: IMG_7534-1024x683.jpeg
  •  Add the celery into the pan and start stir frying again. Add 50㏄ cooking sake

 and 200㏄water with chicken soup stock

(Approximately 2 to 3 large spoon full)

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  •  Add the scallop can and put a lid on the pan. Prepare the vegetables.
  •  Cut the edge of the lettuce with a knife, and tear the lettuce. Also, hull the tomatoes.

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  •  Add the vegetables into the pan and stir the pan.

Point in check

The orders to put in the vegetables are, celery lettuce and tomato. Make sure that the celery is without any stiffness. Tear the lettuce to the right size. Finally, put in the tomato and check the taste of the soup. Lettuce and tomato will heat up fast. Make sure to stir fry the dry and the frozen shrimps to get the taste out of them. Mix up and blend the flavors of the chicken stock soup, scallop can to create a harmony. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper and AJI-NO-MOTO.

Personal Comments

Make sure to get the tastes out of the shrimps and the three flavors including chicken stock soup scallop can blend to create a harmony. By stir-frying the celery and making it soft, those who might not quite like the raw texture of celery might also enjoy the soup. Make sure not to overcook the lettuce and tomato. Since the texture is different from eating tomato and lettuce with a salad, I would like someone who does not like vegetables or salad to enjoy the soup too. Enjoy the vegetables in the mixed flavor of the soup.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

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