
A simple dish from the fridge:Cream Stew!!

soulfood kita
この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

Cooking time Approximately 60minutes LEVEL☆☆☆★★


7 Turnip

2 Potato

10 Onion

10 Sausages

5Slices of Bacon

1Canned Corn

500㏄ of water

1teaspoon of chicken soup powder

200㏄ Milk

30g Butter

Salt and Pepper

How to make

  • Peal the skin of the potato and Turnip and cut it into 4 pieces.Also,peal the skin of the onion and cut it into about 5㎜ length.Cut the bacon and sausage into an eatable size.
  • Put butter into the pan and together with salt and pepper, stir fry the onion until the color changes into a slightly darker color. Add turnip,potato,and bcon and sausage and keep on stir frying.
  • Add a teaspoon of chicken soup into water and keep on boiling. Add the corn with 200㏄of milk and put a lid to make sure to boil up, and turn off the heat.
  • Finally check the taste and serve.


Point in check

Stir fry the vegetables in the order of onions, turnip, potato. Add the meat and the soup stock to boil up. Finally add milk to make the taste milder. Instead of milk cheese or fresh cream is an option, too. By stir-frying the onion with butter, the basics of the taste is made, but finally add salt and pepper to adjust the seasoning.

Personal Comment

The canned corn and milk might look like an extra ingredient but it helps to create the flavor to blend. Changing the taste with cheese and fresh cream is also easy.

Potato, turnip, onion must be stir fried carefully to create the taste. On the other hand corn is add a little to the soup. Other meat products can be used to stir fry.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
Do you like cooking? I did not cook until recently, but I found out that MOM’s dish, Soul food was something I missed the most. I am trying to introduce easy cooking. Please be patient with my English and Cooking. Thankyou in advance. こんにちは!お料理をしてみたいと思い、少しづつ開始しましたが、ソウルフード Soul food おふくろの味が一番おいしいご飯だと思いました。英語と料理の方は長い目で見てください。よろしくお願い致します。

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